Parent Handbook

Handbook Revised – September 2019

Operating Hours

Santa Fe Day School hours are from 9:30a.m. to 2:30p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during the regular school term. Santa Fe Day School hours for the summer session are 9:30a.m. to 12:30p.m. each Tuesday and Thursday for the month of June.

In order for the teachers to properly prepare for each day, we ask that you not arrive earlier than 9:30a.m.  The door will remain locked until 9:30a.m. each day.

Children must be picked up no later that 2:30p.m. so that the teachers may conclude their duties and leave on time.  Parents who pick up children after 2:30p.m. will automatically be charged a late fee of $1.00 for each minute that they are late.  The charges will need to be paid before the student May return to class.


Arrivals and Departures

The west parking area and northwest door are to be used when dropping off and picking up children enrolled in SaFe Day.  This provides the easiest access to the classroom spaces used by the Santa Fe Day School.  Children are to be checked in when they arrive by filling out the attendance sheet posted by the classroom door.

Please arrive by 9:45a.m. each day.  Unless you call to let the school know that you are running late, it will assumed that you are not coming that day and your child’s spot may be filled by a drop-in student.

Your signature and checkout time must be recorded on the attendance sheet each day as you pick up your child.  Anyone other than a parent must have authorization in writing to pick up a child.  The SaFe Day staff reserves the right to request photo identification of anyone unfamiliar to them.  Please discuss these procedures with anyone you authorize to pick up your child.


and Sign-out Sheet

The sheet is located near the door at the child’s classroom. It is required that the individual bringing the child write in ink the time the child arrived along with his/her signature. Please do the same when picking up the child. Anyone other than a parent must have authorization in writing to pick up the child. The SaFe Day Staff reserves the right to request photo identification of anyone unfamiliar to them. Please discuss these procedures with anyone you authorize to pick up your child.

Inclement Weather

If bad weather occurs, SaFe Day School will close if Edmond Public Schools are closed, with the exception of extreme temperatures.  Please listen to the local television and radio stations for school closings and the Safe Day Facebook page.  No tuition adjustments are made for days missed due to bad weather.

If severe weather occurs during the school day, students in the annex will have class in Fellowship Hall.

If there is impending bad weather forecasted, Safe Day may deem it necessary for you to pick up your child early that day. Please have a plan as to who will pick up your child in this situation, as time may be of the essence.

Holidays, Family Vacations or Absences

The annual tuition is based upon the number of class days offered versus calendar days per month. Whether a student is in attendance or not, a classroom spot is reserved for him/her so there will be no credit on tuition for family vacations or absences. No make-up days are given for absences.

Behavior / Discipline

By providing consistent limits and examples, it is our desire to lead children towards self-discipline. The SaFe Day School Staff will use guidance techniques centered on positive reinforcement. In case of inappropriate behavior, methods of intervention and redirection will be used. Corporal punishment will not be used. Maintaining a safe classroom is one of the highest importance’ this includes physical safety and feeling safe. Children will be made aware of the classroom limits and expectations in a positive way. If a child does not yet understand what is acceptable, time-outs may be observed. This gives the child an opportunity to regain self-control and then re-enter the group. If any child demonstrates repeated inappropriate behaviors and does not respond to the techniques listed above, the Director will confer with the child’s parents regarding the situation.

There are three classroom rules:
1.) Be kind to yourself and others
2.) Take care of the classroom
3.) Listen to the teachers.


In order to provide a clean and healthy environment for leaning and play, we ask that you do not bring your child to school if he or she has any of these symptoms in the past 24 hours: fever, diarrhea, upset stomach, vomiting, watery matter or pink eyes, nasal discharge that is green, head lice, or any contagious disease.

Please notify the school if your child has been exposed to or has contracted a contagious disease/illness.

If your child is too ill to play outside, please keep him/her at home. Young children do not understand why they cannot play with their friends, and we do not have the staff to stay with one child.

If your child becomes ill during school hours, we will contact you to pick him/her up immediately. Please adhere strictly to the Health Policy for the protection and safety of all the children enrolled at Santa Fe Day School.


All children enrolled at SaFe Day are to have current immunizations. We will not accept non immunized children. Currently enrolled non vaccinated children will be allowed to attend SaFe Day. Should parents choose to space their child’s immunizations over an extended period of time, they will need to provide a doctor approved vaccination schedule, before enrollment can be completed.

If your child has a severe allergy, you will need to complete an Allergy Form and attach a Plan Of Action form from their Physician.


SaFe Day agrees to dispensing medication on a case-by-case basis, and if approved will only be given to a child under the following conditions:

  • The parent must fill out a Request for Medication Form. All information requested must be filled out. This information includes child’s name, name of medication, dosage and time of day to be given, parent signature, and date.  On the bottom of the form, parent shall note any special instructions necessary.
  • Prescription medication must be in the original container and labeled with the child’s name, drug dosage, directions for administering, date and physicians name.
  • Non-prescription medication is labeled with the child’s name. Parent must fill out Request for Mediation form to come into compliance with the rest of the required information.
  • The medication form shall be posted for staff’s information. When request for medication has been filled out, the form is then filed in the child’s file and becomes a permanent part of the child’s file.
  • Staff shall transfer information from Medication Request Form into the medical log and initial the entry at the time each medication is given.
  • All medication shall be kept in an inaccessible location to the children. Medication requiring refrigeration is kept in a covered container clearly labeled medication.
Playground Use

If you choose to use the SaFe Day playground after school hours, you are doing so at your own risk. We ask that you please follow our Safe days rules, and supervise your child closely


Proper nutrition is essential for learning.  Please send a nutritious lunch that does not require additional refrigeration or heating.  Please do not send sodas, sweets, or candies.  They are often the first or only things consumed and have little nutritional value. Please do not send any red or purple juices.

Teachers may or may not send home the uneaten portions of lunch – if they are not perishable.


Each child will provide snack for their class 3 to 4 times during the year. We use Sign Up Genius. Other supplies such a wipes, paper towels, and tissues maybe asked for in lieu of snacks for your week. Please check with your child’s teacher one week prior to your snack week.



Children should be dressed in comfortable, easy to manage (especially at bathroom usage) attire.  Avoid belts, jumpers, rompers, overalls or garments with complicated fasteners.  Avoid clothing that will cause you to become upset should it become soiled.  Some especially important learning skills are cultivated doing messy activities.  Please send you child in tennis shoes or other rubber soled shoes.  Cowboy boots, sandals, jellies, and flip-flops are fun, but they are not safe for running, climbing, and active play.

Please send a complete change of clothes placed in a labeled zip lock bag, in a FULL sized backpack. These clothes will need to be changed out seasonally.  Children are embarrassed by accidents and dislike wearing someone else’s clothes.


Label Everything

Please label all belongings including jackets, tote bags, bottles, blankets, show and tell items, lunch boxes, and food containers.

Toys From Home

Except for toys that are needed to help ease the child’s transition from home to school, SaFe Day School requests that parents leave all toys at home or in the car. If an item is brought, we cannot be responsible for it. It, like other SaFe Day School toys will have to be shared. It should have the child’s name on it. Guns, War toys and other toys of destruction and/or aggression are not allowed at SaFe Day School.

Parents should discuss with their child’s teacher before bringing special show and tell items.


We want to do everything possible to keep a healthy and clean environment. All tabletops, furniture, and toys are sanitized as needed at the end of the day.

Parent Opportunities

There are several ways parents can be involved in Santa Fe Day School. There will be opportunities for helping in the classroom, providing snacks, assisting on field trips, and assisting with holiday or special celebrations/activities. We also have fundraisers, special programs, and events for families of enrolled children, as well as teacher appreciation events. Having parents involved with the Santa Fe Day School Staff help us better serve the needs of our students and their families.

Communication / Concerns

Communication is a key factor in the responsibility we have to provide all children with a loving and caring environment in which to learn.  We will update you as needed on your child’s progress in the class room and want you to feel free to make inquiries or give us input regarding any area of Santa Fe Day School.  We appreciate any information that allows us to get to know and understand each child better.  This may include any recent changes at home, special celebrations, names/ages of siblings, pets, favorite colors, favorite activities, likes/dislikes, etc.  Please refrain from talking about behavioral concerns in front of the children, and/or other parents.  Children often hear and can misinterpret information not intended for them.  We want Santa Fe Day School’s atmosphere to always be one of respect and acceptance.  Please set up an appointment with your child’s teacher or a SaFe Day staff member, or send us a note.

We post monthly calendars in the classrooms and in the Pull Down menu on our website. We also use Facebook, email, and the Remind App. Important upcoming events, or important reminders are also placed in your child’s Thursday Folder. These folders need to be checked WEEKLY and emptied.

Refunds / Withdrawal

Parent Termination

A parent or guardian must notify the Director two (2) weeks in advance if a child is to be withdrawn from SaFe Day.   Any amounts paid in advance will be reimbursed with a two week notice.  If a two week notice is not given, reimbursement will not be provided. Any extenuating circumstances may be discussed with the Director.

Mutual Termination Decision between Center and Parent

If the child is having trouble adjusting to SaFe Day, the Director and parent/guardian will confer as to the appropriate action taken.  If the decision by mutual agreement of the Director and parent is that removal from SaFe Day is in the best interest of the child, any advanced tuition payment will be refunded.

SaFe Day Termination

If your child becomes disruptive, or finds it difficult to abide by our guidelines, you will be called in for a consultation with the Director.  If your child’s behavior does not improve, a second meeting will be held to determine the best course of action, including discharge from SaFe Day.

Additionally, the behavior of parents/guardians is expected to be professional and respectful to SaFe Day staff, Santa Fe church staff and volunteers, other parents and children.  Inappropriate behavior by a parent/guardian may result in discharge of the child from SaFe Day and is at the discretion of the Director.

If the parent/guardian is not satisfied with the Director’s decisions, they may request a meeting with the director and the Board of Directors to appeal the decision.  Termination will take place upon the Director’s decision until the Board has an opportunity to review the decision.